Posted in Business, Leadership, Review

Brave Review: Passing It On

“Passing It On” is a great book about the core of leadership. Written by the late Dr. Myles Munroe of blessed memory. Someone I consider to be one of the greatest leadership Coach, Teacher and Leader of all time.

This book will have you think deep and experience some mind shifts, if you really desire sustainable and impactful leadership. It’s about the legacy of leadership and about the greatest leader of all time that walked the face of the earth. Find out who this is.

It’s a book that can’t be rushed. One you’ll most likely have to go back to from time to time as you go through your own journey of leadership and service.
It applies to all industries for anyone with an open mind, a thirst for growth and truth. It’s a book for everyone who desires to have an impactful life and a great Legacy that transcends time.

It was bittersweet reading this book, knowing it’s author is no more. But his words, his knowledge, his legacy, lives on and that makes me happy, hopeful and thankful for this gift. His gift to us all.

Not done with this book yet.
But I certainly recommend this to everyone, every leader, young or old and all those who aspire to lead their lives and organizations well.

A Master Piece by Dr. Myles Munroe.


Brave Publicity Ink is a Corporate Communications, Public Relations and Publishing brand established in 2018.

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