Posted in Article, Autobiography, Boss Shoes, Inspiration

Turning Thirty: 30 Simple Lessons!

As I approached turning 30 on the 1st of November this year.
I had multiple moments of reflection on my journey and life so far.
While I documented a number of things, and spent some time apart to fast, pray, reflect and prepare for the next phase of my life.

I also thought about what to share in a simplified form with people in my circle of influence.
So here are 30 lessons or nuggets you may find as useful.

Wishing you a splendid week.🤍

1. You are not helpless.
There is always a seed in your hand.
Ideas, Gifts, Talents.
Don’t disregard that seed because it comes easy to you or seems too small.

2. Put your best foot forward. Always!

3. Correct people in love.

4. Be the friend you want.

5. Focus on what’s before you. Your lane is yours.

6. Smell good. Smell good for yourself first. Make sitting beside others a pleasant and comfortable experience.

7. You can’t buy the affection of anyone or perform to get their affection.

8. Be yourself and improve to become a better version of yourself. Do it for you.

9. Be happy and laugh often, life is too short to live a sad and empty life.

10. Take joy in the little and big things. Enjoy those moments and let them encourage you.

11. Some of the best advice will come from those much younger than you are, so be open minded.

12. Give your younger siblings the respect they deserve.

13. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, there is no shame in that.

14. Dream big, but start young.

15. Don’t be afraid to start again. With God’s guidance, you can build better this time around.

16. Don’t let the unrealistic pressures of society, dictate how you should live or spend your money.

17. Be prudent with what you have, live within your means and try to have multiple streams of passive income.

18. Don’t give up before you begin to see the rewards.

19. It’s okay to stop, if it’s costing you your peace of mind, health or finances.

20. Prioritize taking care of yourself. There’s no need to feel guilty.

21. Pay attention to your body. Don’t ignore signs when you are overworked, tired or need better care.

22. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Stop stressing over the small things.

23. Just be kind.

24. The world doesn’t revolve around you alone, so be sensitive enough to observe when others need your help.

25. If you don’t have firsthand knowledge about something or someone, give things time.

26. Don’t be a gossip.

27. Handle disagreements with grace. Diverse perspectives help you understand people and also see the world the way others see it.

28. Stop worrying. Pray instead, then do your best and leave the rest.

29. Pray ooo. Don’t get tired of praying. Pray about everything and anything. God listens but you also need to listen too.

30. God loves you unconditionally, so you can learn to love, and trust Him.

Thanks for reading.🤍

Article by Opeolu Adeyemi.
Corporate Communications and Public Relations Consultant.
Founder, Brave Publicity Ink!


Brave Publicity Ink is a Corporate Communications, Public Relations and Publishing brand established in 2018.

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