Posted in Everyday Living, Inspiration, Review, Self development

Brave Review: Seize The Day!

If you’re looking for a practical and sensible read about purpose and intentional living, then “Seize The Day” by Joyce Meyer is a great book.
As always, she not only shares about principles, she talks about some of her life experiences.
Relatable, funny and real stories that can help you grasp each lesson with better clarity and understanding.

Because of how far she’s come as an author and bible teacher, her resources are reliable and filled with wisdom that only comes with maturity and a consistent lifestyle.

It’s such a great book and an easy read.
A chapter a day would do just fine, or whatever pace works for you.
Certainly a good recommendation.

Posted in Autobiography, Everyday Living, Faith, Inspiration, Review

Brave Review: Never Give Up!

In our journey through life and efforts towards the pursuit of our dreams, goals, aspirations and great ideas.
There will be many obstacles and reasons to throw in the towel and walk away.

“Never Give Up” by Joyce Meyer is an incredible and practical book that can encourage you along the way. A book that may be slow to read, because she shares some hard truths that may take a while to sink in.

She also shares about her journey of starting out early and growing her organization into a global ministry that it is today. You’ll find yourself laughing hard sometimes, amazed and at other times, humbled about her shared practical experiences, mistakes and navigation through different seasons of growing and never giving up.

She shares deeply about her struggles and victories encountered in growth and learning.
She also shares about strategies, practical steps and Biblical principles that have helped her along the way and continue to work even today. Principles you too can apply in your own journey.

“Never Give Up” is a must read for anyone going through a hard time in life generally or in the pursuit of success and not settling for less than God’s best for you. Anyone at crossroads, tempted to call it quits.

Joyce’s book will encourage you to push through with a relentless determination to overcome life’s challenges.
We appreciate this amazing Icon Joyce Meyer, whose life, books and practical teachings remains a blessing to many globally!

Posted in Everyday Living, Faith, Inspiration, Review, Self development

Brave Review: Living Courageously

Fear is a major factor that has stopped many from reaching their potential, fulfilling their destiny and living to the maximum their purpose.

Everyone feels fear at some point in their lives, but the disposition to the feeling of fear is what makes the difference.
Many people live their day to day lives facing and scumming to different phobias and never lead victorious and fulfilling lives.

In Joyce’s book “Living Courageously”, she talks about the various phobias people face and how a person can overcome these fears and live victoriously.
“Living Courageously” is a book filled with practical examples and biblical principles on how to overcome fear, live by faith with God’s help and take bold steps towards fulfilling ones dreams and aspirations.

It’s also a book for living courageously in our everyday simple lives. Even when faced with the feeling of fear, one learns on how to be courageous and just doing it afraid.
If you’re at crossroads, terrified about your making certain decisions or not even sure about how to live bold life without being controlled by fear, then this book is for you!

Joyce is an excellent Bible teacher and Icon in Ministry.
This is one of those great books you are sure to enjoy reading. Beyond reading, you become empowered with knowledge to take giant strides and lead a courageous life.