Posted in Faith, Fiction, Love, Novel, Relationships, Review, Women

Brave Review: To Be Loved

“To Be Loved” is such a sincere book, a novel for the young generation and anyone who thinks genuine love is out of their reach.

It explores the life of a young lady, whose past of abuse and an active high life meets with an unexpected health crisis, a good human and love.

“To Be Loved” is also a novel that portrays God’s love that is inclusive and never judgmental.

It is a book for the young at heart, ladies and guys who love a real, relatable and good story. You’ll certainly find yourself laughing at intervals! A book you’ll probably read at a stretch!

Praise for such an amazing book and the creative author, Tobiloba Fabanwo (@tobilobafabanwo) whose simple words resonates with the hearts of many.

“To Be Loved” is available for purchase. Kindly click the link on the bio @tobilobafabanwo on Instagram.

Posted in Faith, Fiction, Love, Novel, Review, Women

Brave Review: Divine

“Divine” is a novel that depicts the life of a modern day Mary Magdalene, only this time,  she is one named “Mary Madison”.
A novel about an influential woman in society, but one with a past. A past that evokes whispers. A past that is shunned by society and often never spoken of in public.

“Divine” is a difficult read.
It shows the horrors of many women in today’s society, trafficked, trapped and abused. Some whose lives may never remain the same or have the hope of experiencing some normalcy.
Survivors whose lives can only be redeemed by God’s divine love and comfort.

Mary Madison is only one of those many women, with many horrors.
Abused from a tender age, she is forced to face once more this past, for the sake of the freedom of a community of girls and women, those whom she has come to have such strong compassion for.

“Divine” also depicts friendship and love. Steadfast and Strong. One that stays consistent and committed through her difficulty.

“Divine” is a book that tugs at the strings of the heart and shows just how powerful God’s love can be, even in the deepest darkness.

It is also a MUST READ for every LEADER who cares about all those endangered by a corrupt and selfish system.
For every leader at heart and in position capable of implementing real change that can empower survivors of abuse and pain to truly live again.

Thankful for such a wonderful and eye opening story by Karen Kingsbury.

Posted in Faith, Inspiration, Novel, Review, Women

Brave Review: Selfies with Bible Girls!

We love this amazing book by the incredible Laju Iren @lajuiren!
“Selfies With Bible Girls” is a book for all girls and women of the world!
A book for the budding woman, the single woman, the career lady, the leading woman, the single mother, the family woman and all women from all walks of life.

It is easy to sometimes view women of the Bible as those who lived in another faraway era.
So we lose sight of the meaningful lessons that can be obtained from their stories.

Laju Iren dissects this myth and gives you a sneak peak of what it means to hear out loud the hearts of these girls and women and to walk in their shoes through the lenses of their stories.

Hence you get a free selfie with the Bible Celebrities Girls of all times!

Learning about their lives, their concerns, their challenges, their failures, their triumphs and their faith in God.

You may find expressions of yourself in some of the pages of this book, even as you ponder upon and draw from the wisdom contained in their stories, as the words come alive.
These are exceptional Bible girls who lives and actions made a difference and whose legacies have stood the test of time.

“Selfies with Bible Girls” is indeed a good read for all girls and women.
Certainly one that would serve as nice present for book lovers and readers!

Thank you Laju Iren for such an exceptional book! May your books continue to inspire the world!

So, let’s take a selfie with Laju #SayCheese!
#Click #Click

Posted in Fiction, Novel, Review

Brave Review: Redemption Series

We love Karen Kingsbury’s books!
Always honest and realistic about what really happens in the lives of people.

Filled with much wisdom and understanding of how God interacts with humanity on a day to day basis and how God’s Word sustains us through the good and bad times.

The “Redemption Series” is no different. 
A novel series that begins with a focus on “The Baxter Family” and many other characters that would eventually come to play.

This series sheds light on some hard truths and realities of life that are present in today’s world. Love, Romance, Life, Loss, Pain, Regret, Shame, Forgiveness, Rejection, Death, Comfort, Faith and Redemption.

It is a series that would move your heart, help you revisit your personal journey and old memories of areas touched in these books. Some pages would bring lots of laughter and joy and some may move you to tears.

As each story unfolds in this series, you may find yourself soaking up each chapter speedily. At other times, you may also find yourself slowing down to think deeply about your own journey and the lives of the fictional characters before you.

As is the custom, Karen’s books are well researched and each plot, twist and turn it expressed in the most realistic manner and we know you would enjoy reading this series and the ones that follow.

We appreciate the amazing Icon karen Kingsbury for her gift of stories and books that bring joy, healing, love and faith to people all over the world!

Posted in Faith, Fiction, Inspiration, Love, Novel, Review

Brave Review: Angels Walking.

“Angels Walking” is a story about Love.God’s Love, Grace, His presence and the work He still does even today in the midst of humans through His Angels.
A beautifully crafted story of love lost, God’s grace in dark times and hopeless situations.

If you’ve ever hit rock bottom, lost a dream or a loved one, then this book is bound to reach the core of your soul.
It would most likely have you crying for the challenges faced and the victories won by “Tyler Ames” and “Sami Dawson”, the lead characters of this novel.

Even more is the reassurance of God’s grace and love available to all people of the World, irrespective of your past, mistakes, imperfection. It brings to light a great reassurance of His presence in your own personal life.
It is a book that will awaken a thirst and hunger for God’s presence and His personal word for You from the scriptures, the Bible.

#AngelsWalking is a great choice for book clubs, group readings and discussions!
This is indeed another hit by the wonderful, amazing and accomplished Writer. The New York Times Bestselling Author, Karen Kingsbury!

“#Angels Walking” is the first book of the “Angels Walking Series”. So be on the look out for the rest of the series! Fingers crossed for this one!

Thank you Karen Kingsbury as always for your unique ability to reach all people with your heartfelt words and well researched and inspiring stories, that resonate deeply with the lives of all people.