
Listen to the latest episode of The Brave Publicity Podcast

The Brave Publicity Podcast!

The Brave Publicity Podcast is a less than 20 Mins recording session, that covers a wide range of topics that include: Corporate Communications, Public Relations, Publishing, Marketing, Branding, Design, Leadership, Business, Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle, Health, Faith, Self-Development and Relationships.

So join Opeolu, for new episodes of insightful sessions of the Brave Publicity Podcast!
Press play, and enjoy listening.

Episode 13

Thirty in a minute, Ah! or Yay!

Hey you…
So 30 is that defining year, a season that leads to deep reflections about life. So, I really hope that this special episode of the Brave Publicity Podcast leaves you encouraged.
Stay cheerful, trust God and enjoy the process.
PS: See video recording on social media at @bravepublicity.

Episode 12

Your Dreams and Order

A podcast episode that highlights the influence of the mind on our dream and actions, the place of purpose and order, and what perspective to take when our dreams don’t play out exactly as we envision them.
PS: I meant “Solve Challenges” and not solve solutions! LOL!

Episode 11

You Are Not Forgotten

A podcast episode that speaks on faith, strength and the importance of maintaining the right attitude and living prepared through the tough seasons of life.
One aimed to inspire hope and ignite strength within you. Drawing lessons from the life of Joseph, using his documented story from the Bible.

Episode 10

Embracing Process For Impact.

A podcast episode that highlights the importance of process for the journey of life and sustainable success as an individual and as a business owner.
Learn about 7 key things that you should embrace regarding process for impact.

Episode 9

The Futility of Regret.

An upbeat podcast episode that highlights the multiple reasons to shake off regret and embrace the great future ahead of you, because greatness resides on the inside of you.
It’s time to do great things in this new year!
Welcome to 2021 Brave One.

Episode 8

Lifestyle and Nation Building.

A podcast episode that highlights the significance of the impact of the lifestyle of individuals and how this influences National development.
In this edition, Opeolu gives some practical examples, highlighting 4 key areas that you would find to be insightful regarding Nation Building.

Episode 7

The Ripple Effect of Integrity.

A podcast episode that highlights the significance of Integrity and it’s influence on Leadership and Capacity building.
In this edition, Opeolu gives some practical insight about this invaluable core value, by sharing a bit of her own story and experience.

Episode 6

Hope In Changing Times

A podcast episode that highlights the significance of hope in changing times.
This edition gives practical insight on three (3) reasons why you should keep hope alive, in spite of the global trends.

Episode 5

Change Management

A heartfelt podcast episode to encourage everyone as we navigate through these changing times.
This edition gives some insight on practical steps to take in better equipping yourself with relevant skills and knowledge for such a time as this.

Episode 4

Your Vision Board and Progress

A podcast episode highlighting the importance of Vision and how to make significant progress.
This edition gives some insight on 3 types of board and how applicable they are in the execution and progress of your vision.

Episode 3

Excellence As A Small Business Owner

A podcast episode highlighting some key things that makes excellence a very important factor even for small businesses.
This edition gives some insightful tips on how to achieve excellence for startups and young entrepreneurs.

Episode 2

The Time Resource

A podcast episode that highlights some key things that makes mastery and the efficient use of time possible.
This edition talks about some principles applied by all high flyers who are efficient time managers.

Episode 1

The Basics of Branding

A podcast episode on the basics of branding in simple terms, using the Coca-Cola brand as a Case Study.
This maiden edition of The Brave Publicity Podcast is one intended for very young and small business owners interested in understanding and having an overview of what branding entails.

Be on the look out for more episodes across our communication platforms!
Follow us @bravepublicity. Kindly use the quick links below to connect with us.

Get In Touch

Brave Publicity Ink
Abuja, Nigeria.
Call: +234 817 454 3541
Email: bravepublicity@gmail.com
Consultations: Mon – Fri, 9am – 4pm.
Remote Consultations also available.