Posted in Autobiography, Career, Inspiration, Review, Women

Brave Review: Bamboozled by Jesus

Reading “Bamboozled by Jesus” by Yvonne Orji has really been an amazing discovery.😌

She brings such a refreshing, real and raw revelation of her life lessons and rise in purpose, fame, and success.

One that isn’t so common or easily found in the Entertainment Industry. Where living boldly as a follower of Jesus Christ with an intentional discipline to stay grounded, relevant, excellent in craft and consistent in faith can indeed be scarce. 

This book is such an encouragement and comfort. A warm hug for anyone who feels like they are falling behind in time, the schedules of life, dreams and aspirations.

It explores processes, the highs and lows, disappointments, and everything in-between to the orchestration and exposure to God-sized dreams becoming a reality.

As always, she shares such hilarious moments, bringing joy and laughter to readers. Her brand and signature of communication shines through, even with this book.

This isn’t a book that can be rushed.
You most likely would take time in-between chapters to savor, and take to heart the lessons and insights shared.

A timeless read.
This is a book to be grateful for.
I know I am.

A highly recommended read, authored by the amazing comedian and Emmy-nominated Nigerian-American actress, Yvonne Orji (@yvonneorji).😊🙌🏽

Posted in Autobiography, Leadership, Review, Women

Brave Review: Becoming

#Becoming is certainly a book worth reading.

You’ll see things with a fresh perspective.
Through the eyes of a brave black woman. The first black and First Lady of the USA (2009 – 2017), married to the 44th and first black President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

You’ll learn about her journey, her family, her history, her passions, her love, her race, her nation, her boldness, her leadership, her service, her influence, her contribution, her perseverance, her sacrifices, and so much more.

With simple, yet intimate words, you’ll also see through her humanity..How the decisions of her life, and roles through every stage of life, all leading up to the writing of her book “Becoming”; including the simple and complex details became pivotal to evolving into who she was and is even today.

In reading this book, you’ll most likely catch a glimpse of yourself.
Your own story.

One that matters so much and speaks of how incredibly powerful, strong, unique and brilliant we all are as women (and men) and how we can attain any height or achieve any feat we aspire to reach.

You’ll certainly have much to think about.

Without giving much away, you should go get the book “Becoming”, a #memoir by the #iconic and global Leader, Michelle Obama.

Posted in Autobiography, Everyday Living, Faith, Inspiration, Review

Brave Review: Never Give Up!

In our journey through life and efforts towards the pursuit of our dreams, goals, aspirations and great ideas.
There will be many obstacles and reasons to throw in the towel and walk away.

“Never Give Up” by Joyce Meyer is an incredible and practical book that can encourage you along the way. A book that may be slow to read, because she shares some hard truths that may take a while to sink in.

She also shares about her journey of starting out early and growing her organization into a global ministry that it is today. You’ll find yourself laughing hard sometimes, amazed and at other times, humbled about her shared practical experiences, mistakes and navigation through different seasons of growing and never giving up.

She shares deeply about her struggles and victories encountered in growth and learning.
She also shares about strategies, practical steps and Biblical principles that have helped her along the way and continue to work even today. Principles you too can apply in your own journey.

“Never Give Up” is a must read for anyone going through a hard time in life generally or in the pursuit of success and not settling for less than God’s best for you. Anyone at crossroads, tempted to call it quits.

Joyce’s book will encourage you to push through with a relentless determination to overcome life’s challenges.
We appreciate this amazing Icon Joyce Meyer, whose life, books and practical teachings remains a blessing to many globally!